Monday, March 15, 2010

Expensive Toys

The Dubia airport is similar to a a high end Dallas mall - the one with Neiman Marcus. I saw a $1000 bottle of Glenmorangie scotch, Mont Blanc pens and Rolex watches. Yawn. Oh... there was a Ferrari race car on display. Lots of carbon fiber.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Dubia United Arab Emirates


  1. Hey Paul,

    Natalie here. Thanks for the updates and it looks like you're having a great time! Are you using wi-fi to post these updates? I only ask because of the ridiculous international data rates I've heard about. Peace to you.

  2. Hi,Paul. I'm looking forward to "going along" on this amazing adventure! Keep those updates and photos coming!! Patty Gruneberg

  3. Hi N&P:
    I'm at a cybercafe in Hyderabad. It's 10 rupees. About 25cents. My cell phone isnt working here. And the wifi is spotty at best.
    So posting photos to my blog is going to be tougher than I thought. Paul
