Monday, March 15, 2010

Water Closet

At first I thought it was a boudet [boo•day] sprayer but then I noticed there was no hot water adjustment. I guess it's to clean the loo- but there's nothing to dry it with. Oh well it's a mystery.

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  1. Perhaps you use it to wash your hand after you have used your hand to wipe your bottom. That's my guess.

  2. Okay. Sweet. I'll have some business cards printed up with that and you can hand them out at my wake. Huh? What? ; - )
    I still have the photo of the boudet from your Paris honeymoon. How is your brother?
    You are almost correct. It is a hand held boudet says my hosts.

  3. Guess after you rinse off you have to air dry? LOL.....

  4. Brother Steve is doing great. He will probably retire this year. Still at Chrysler
