Friday, March 26, 2010

Bus Ride - Mysore to Ooty - Baby and Donut Cakes

Up the mountain side to Ooty.  The bus was packed. The buses are often packed. Interesting smells too.

 This is at a diner behind the cash register.  See the incense smoking at the shrine

I ordered this by accident. I just wanted the two pictured donut cakes but before I could speak up they whisked me to the table and added the hot spice dipping sauces...and I have to admit it was darn good. Sorry it's sideways.    That's "Thums Up" in the photo.  That's how they spell it.  It's a cola drink. 

 I was eaten up the the mosquitos.  Yesterday it was SO itchy but today it's better.  It looks worse than it is. 
Also my feet swell up!  What's with that?  I was told it's the heat.  They don' t hurt they just are full of fluid.  The swelling  happened before the mosquito bites.

On the bus to Ooty.  Four hours on a packed bus.  This little girl sure handled it well.
She cried a little but people played with here.  The father is sitting beside me and that's his sister to the 
right.  The sister held the baby the whole trip.