Thursday, March 25, 2010

Notes on Food, Train Ride, Pio & Doris - Doodh Burfy

That's me, Pio and Doris in a market.  They are buying fruit for tomorrow's leg.  I met them on the train from Coonoor to Ooty yesterday.  Pio is from from pious said Pio.  That's her good friend Doris.  After the train had diner at the Blue Hotel Ooty and then sweet snacks on the street.   I had fish curry.  Had all the bones in it too.  But it was good anyway. Our desert - Doodh Burfy is a cream colored candy.   We had to buy it because the name was so alluring.  I suggested we name our new rock band after it.  "Live from Stuttgart (Pi and Di are from Germany) the hottest band in Germany...give it up for Doodh Burfy!"  They didn't get it but I thought it was funny.

Milk and Fruit Drinks:  The worst fruit drink in India is better than the best in the USA...well not really.  But if you order mango, pineapple, watermelon or orange juice in India you can be pretty sure its squeezed from ripe, local fruits just moments before brought to your table.  So basically it knocks your socks off each time.  The milk is also creamer and thicker and white.   I'm not sure it's homogenized - stuff is left on the inside of the glass. 

If you order coffee or tea the milk comes scalded and hot.  It really improves the coffee.   India coffee is good even though they make it with "powdered" (instant) coffee. Its full of that scalded hot milk and sugar. I'm going to learn to make that at home.  Tea in India is usually Chia.  Made and a mini ceremony at rodeside carts.  Hot scalded milk poured through the black tea held in a cloth strainer.  The chia is rich and creaming and sweet...sugar don't forget the sugar.  It has a head on it like a beer.


  1. Looks like you're a hit with the Ladies, Paul! (j/k)

    I'm glad you're having a good time and I'm enjoying reading these updates.

  2. You should be a travel/food writer! This vicarious eating and drinking is virtually mouthwatering! (Is that word on your 'list'?)

  3. Natalie: Well its a relief to be able to speak to English speaking people. You can talk fast and they understand. Plus we swapped India travel war stories. At the hotel I had dinner with Edwina and was great to hear their tails from Indian travel.

    Maria: Mouth watering...hmmm. I see what you mean. It's similar to page turner and 'a good read' ugh! A good read! Help me Lord.
    Its difficult to be impartial about the food here. Plus you know we love our home made bread and jelly and well prepared beef stew and spaghetti the food of India is by default - on our "A" list. Squishes from India, Paul D.
