Sunday, March 14, 2010

United Flt 7855

I'm in the air somewhere.
Sat on ... and then ate the muffin MM gave me. Jill said, "take lots of photos of Indian food that's what I want!" Received 3 requests for indian bangles. I asked if I could sit in the copilot's seat but they laughed and said no.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Washington DC


  1. Awh - too bad Ernie couldn't go! He would have loved it! I think this is so cool what you are doing! I'm looking forward to seeing the picture. :)

  2. Allison's friend Nate is baby sitting Earnie.
    I'm afraid he wouldn't like the heat here either. Not in his winter fur coat. It's 85F today but it's usually hotter. Paul

  3. You could have offered the pilot your muffin.
